ThreeTwelve B2B Marketing and Branding Blog

Process Video: Naming an IoT Company

Written by Eliza Schulze | 1/24/18 8:08 PM

Did you know that the team at ThreeTwelve can name your company, in addition to providing stellar branding and marketing services?

This video gives a quick 45-second glimpse into the naming process.



TLDW (Too Long Didn’t Watch): 

The team at ThreeTwelve was tasked with naming an IoT company! After several brainstorming sessions, lots of coffee and tons of sticky notes, we came up with a list of 208 words. From there we narrowed our list down to some great names, did trademark research and presented our top choices to the client. But… none were quite right. It wasn’t until we were in a weekly meeting that we had the EUREKA! moment and arrived at the perfect name.

Presenting: VIE Technologies

This name captures the ultimate value the company brings to the market: removing the complexity of piecemeal IoT solutions by offering a fully integrated solution, start to finish, cradle to grave. As a three-letter name and as an existing English-language word, it feels established, known, trustworthy.

To break it down even further, VIE is an acronym for:

  • Vertically | Denoting a point at the zenith or the highest point of something
  • Integrated | Indicating the mean value or total sum of
  • Enterprise | A project or undertaking

Stay tuned for our next 312 Process Video, Branding VIE Technologies.



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